Q: What is delivery time? |
A: Normally,delivery time of sample order is 2 to 3 days,standard order is 15 days after deposit. Except for public holidays. |
Q: How can you guarantee the quality? |
A: We have rigorous quality test system, from raw materials to finished products, the materials must be checked and signed by QC people. |
Q: How long can I get a quote? |
A: The quotation can be provided not longer than 24 hours on condition that we know all detailed requirements. |
Q: Can I get a sample? |
A: Yes we offer free samples. Delivery cost is to be paid by clients. |
Q: Can you provide OEM service? |
A: Yes,we can produce under your own brandname. Logo and design need to be provided so as to make customized brandname. |
Q: What´s your product range? |
A:Mainly chemical building materials products,including silicone sealant,PU foam,strutural adhesive. |
Q:Are you a manufacturer? |
A:Yes,we are a China company and our factory locates in Shanghai for about 8years. |