LCD-BHD3000-XXX Suitable for - Zone 1, 2, 21, 22
Class I, Divison 2
Class II, Division 1,2
- Replaces traditional discharge lamps more than 450W or halogen 600W
- Saves in energy, maintenance free and installation costs
- Instant, bright illumination
- GAS category IIC and IIB+H2 etc location
Ex mark: II 2G Ex db IIC T6 Gb;
II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80ºC Db
LCD-BHD3000-XXX series High bay LED lighting fixtureThe new flame proof LED lighting fixtures LCD-BHD3000 series has been developed with the target of redefining the concepts of compactness, versatility and ease of installation thanks to high brightness and efficiency Cree OSRAM Bridgelux LED engine. The LCD-BHD3000 series consists of one lighting fixture size and represents the LED alternative for all those areas where it was normal to use lighting fixtures with discharge lamps of low and medium power greater than 400W. The body, made of aluminium alloy, is equipped with heat-sink fins that act as a heat sink allowing a fast and effective dispersion of heat generated by the normal operation of the LED. The geometric conformation of the cooling fins was also designed with the objective of minimizing the deposit of combustible dust, allowing the self-cleaning of the lighting fixture by air or water present in the environment. Furthermore, thanks to the absence of UV emission, there is no ionization of the air particles around the lighting fixture, an intrinsic characteristic of LED technology which limits the attraction of dust and insects. The design of the lamp body, in addition to being functional to the duration of the system, gives the equipment very high light efficiency. The electrical connection is easier thanks to a 'Ex d' terminal housing which allows the entry with a 'Ex d' cable gland (no barrier). In addition, an opposed plugged hole permits the through wiring connection.
Application sectors:- Oil refineries
- Chemical and petrochemical plants
- Onshore plants
- Offshore plants
- Onshore plants
- Perimeter lighting
- Oil loading/ unloading jetties
CERTIFICATION DATA Classification: | Group II | Category 2GD |
Installation: EN 60079.14 | zone 1 - zone 2 (Gas) | zone 21 - zone 22 (Dust) |
Marking: | II 2GD Ex db eb op is IIC T... Gb - Ex tb op is IIIC T...°C Db |
Certification: | on requests |
Standards: | CENELEC EN 60079-0: 2018, EN 60079-1: 2014, EN 60079-7: 2015, EN 60079-28: 2015, EN 60079-31: 2014 and EUROPEAN DIRECTIVE 2014/34/UE IEC 60079-0: 2017, IEC 60079-1: 2014, IEC 60079-28: 2015, IEC 60079-31: 2013, IEC 60079-7: 2015 |
Ambient temperature: | -30°C(-40°C) to +50°C |
Degree of protection: | IP66 |
Product Overview
The ATEX LED Inspection Leadlamp LCD-CES-EX-SC10-B1 is a cable-powered,versatile and lightweight handheld light with impressive LED light output, making it ideal for inspection and work activities in hazardous areas. The LCD-CES-EX-SC10-B1 is CE marked to the ATEX Directive and IECEx certified safe for use in Zone 1 potentially explosive gas atmospheres, where a T4 temperature class permits, and Zone 21 potentially explosive dust atmospheres, with a maximum surface temperature of 80°C, as well as Group I mining applications.
The high power LED 'fitted for life' light source produces a forward facing high efficiency output of up to 470 lumens by emitting an exceptional,even, ultra-wide angle light; minimising shadows and enhancing visibility to provide optimum illumination for localised, close proximity work.
Lightweight, compact and ergonomically friendly, the Inspection Leadlamp is designed for handheld use, with an "easy-grip" handle for user comfort. With a flexible 360° swivel hook, the LCD-CES-EX-SC10-B1 can be suspended for hands-free use, and magnet mounting accessories are also available.
The unit is extremely robust and durable with impact resistant anti-static enclosure, IP66 rated, and scratch and chemical resistant temper glass lens, to withstand the rigours of heavy industrial use. Further protection is possible by fitting a stainless steel cage guard for enhanced mechanical protection, fully certified and ideal for use in the most demanding conditions.
The Leadlamp is available in three voltage input ranges: high 90-264VAC for general applications, and low 20-54VAC/12-24VDC and extra low 9-16VAC/DC for use in confined space applications, such as metal tanks.
Features & Benefits
Ideal for handheld inspection and work activities in a hazardous area ATEX and IECEx approved for Zone 1 and 21 explosive gas and dust atmospheres 3000 lumen high power 'fitted for life' LED light source High quality, even, ultra-wide angle LED light, reduces shadows and enhances visibility Large diffused light source minimises eye discomfort when viewed directly Lightweight and compact for handheld use Flexible integrated hook for suspension in the work area Robust and highly durable enclosure to withstand heavy industrial use Wide voltage range models Fitted with 10m HOFR cable as standard IP66 rated for use in the harshest environments
Group I mining approval Mounting and protection accessories available.
EX-PROOF LIGHTING FIXTURES-Ex-Proof Fluorescent Lighting FixturesEx-Proof Led Lighting FixturesEx-Proof Glob Lighting FixturesEx-Proof Emergency Lighting FixturesEx-Proof FloodlightsEx-proof Zone 2 Lighting FixturesEx-Proof Portable Lighting FixturesEx-Proof Tank Lighting FixturesEX-PROOF LIGHTING FIXTURESAmbiance généraleL'éclairage général est essentiel pour le bien être de vos salariés et de vos clients. Bureaux, commerces, entrepôts, ateliers, nos solutions s'adaptent parfaitement à vos besoinsEclairage grande hauteurLes luminaires difficiles d'accès ou positionnés à des hauteurs élevées entrainent des coûts de maintenance importants : nos solutions LED apportent une réponse efficace tout en réduisant considérablement les coûts de maintenance.Eclairage des façades de bâtimentPrésents sur les immeubles de bureaux et les bâtiments industriels, cet éclairage assure deux fonctions : sécurité des usagers et mise en valeur des bâtiments.CollectivitésEcoles, gymnases, maisons de retraite sont des lieux typiquement très éclairés et gros consommateurs d'énergie. Une approche technique est souvent nécessaire afin de respecter les normes et apporter un niveau d'éclairement satisfaisant.Eclairage techniqueNous intervenons également sur des sujets techniques comme les éclairages de vitrine ou les éclairages inviolables des lieux de haute sécurité.PROJECTEURS LEDProjecteur LED à usage domestiqueProjecteur LED à usage intensif - gamme professionnelleProjecteur LED avec détecteur à usage domestiqueProjecteur LED de chantier rechargeableAccessoires pour projecteurs LEDProjecteur LED RGBProjecteur LED solaireLUMINAIRES LED PROFESSIONNELSLED POUR L'INDUSTRIE Luminaire industriel LED étancheAmpoule LED industrielle et éclairage publicEclairage entrepôtsLED TRAVAUX / CHANTIER LED POUR LOCAUX COMMERCIAUXLED BUREAUX & ACCUEILLED HÔTELLERIE & RESTAURATIONLUMINAIRES INTÉRIEURS LUMINAIRES EXTÉRIEURS LUMINAIRES LED PROFESSIONNELS AMPOULES LED ET ACCESSOIRESINDUSTRIEL PROJECTEURPROJECTEUR IP65FOURNI AVEC UN CONNECTEUR DE LIAISON IP67Extérieurs ou intérieurs. Éclairage de forte puissanceEXTERNAL PROJECTORPROJECTEUR INDUSTRIELPROJECTEUR HAUTE PUISSANCE 100W - 150W & 200WÉtanche LED ultra performant à choix de puissance intégré.ILLUMINAZIONE INDUSTRIALEFARETTIProiettore rettangolareProyector rectangularProyector cuadrado Proiettore QuadroProiettore a LEDProyector a LEDLED PER ILLUMINAZIONE COMMERCIALE E INDUSTRIALEun proiettore a led dimmerabile 1-10V dotato di un driver lampade a led, faretti led da interno, plafoniere led, luci led da incasso, spot a ledL'illuminazione industriale ledlampade industrialilampade led industrialilampadario industriall'illuminazione led industriall'illuminazione industriale a ledl'illuminazione industrialeL'illuminazione industriale leddell'illuminazione per ufficiolampada ufficiol'illuminazione led industrialplafoniere industriali ledplafoniera led industrialL'illuminazione led industriallampade industriali led - lampade a led per capannoni industriali, fari a led per capannoni industriali, luci led per ufficioluci industrialil'illuminazione capannonifari industriali a ledIluminacion Industrial ExteriorIluminacion Industrial ExteriorIluminación ExteriorPROYECTOR LEDIluminación Led IndustrialEclairage extérieurProjecteurs de dernièreprojecteursEclairage techniqueEclairage commercialProjecteurs linéaires professionnelsProjecteurs professionnelsLED Industri belysningLED industri taklamperLED 75 watt Modul LyskasterLED industri taklampe 100wattLED Taklampe 100 wattLED 300watt 4bay lyskasterLED lineær industri taklampe 50wattLED Idrettplass/ FlyplassLED 200 watt lyskasterLED 1000 watt lyskaster arenaLED 30watt og 50watt lyskaster med bærestativLED 30 watt 12/24volt lyskaster 12/24VDCLED Lyskaster 100 watt 24 Volt 24VDCLED tunnel lysLED tunnel lys modelLED nødlysLED nødlys lampe modell LED nødlys IP66 modellLED eksplosjon beskyttetLED lys eksplosjon sikker lampe IP66 modell LED lys eksplosjon beskyttet lampe IP66 modellLED lys eksplosjon sikker lampe IP66 modellLED lys eksplosjon beskyttet lampe IP66 modellLED lys eksplosjon sikker lampe IP66 modell FlombelysningLysLED 200 watt lyskaster IP66LED 75 watt Modul Lyskaster IP67LED lyskaster 720 watt IP67LED industrilampe IP66 model 27LED industrilampe / lyskaster IP66 model 25LED lys lampe IP66 model 22lyskaster 100W LED IP65Lysarmaturerpendel 250W IP23LED INDUSTRIEELLED Bouwlamp 24W/48W NaturalWhite 4500KStadium Floodlight 60W tot 240W 125Lm/WBILLBOARD/SPORT LIGHTING 100W TOT 240WLED EXIT SIGN 3.6V 900MAHProfile Flood Light 120WLED BUITENVERLICHTINGLED BREEDSTRALERS LED BREEDSTRALERLED BREEDSTRALER ECO