High frequency welding (HF High Frequency)----The assembly is made by highfrequency and pressure between twoelectrodes, which have the final productshape. It is a proven and
very common industrial and mass produc- tion technology.It remains as of today the most economicaltechnology on the market.
Heat Bonding (HB - Heat Bonding or Over-lap)----The assembly is made with a flow ofvery hot air and pres- sure atthe 2 PVCsheets overlapping area. It is a hand-madetechnique combining craftsmanship
and welding experience with high tech machines.We offer a wide range of Single, Double,In-Line, Triple tubes to meet growing demand from our customers.
Gluing----Under the certain temperature andhumidity, with some special glue, which iswaterproof and last long, the seam is overlapped by some forces applied. It comes
withclear and nicelooking overlapped seam. Thistechnique is used for most of customized products or some special positioning of accessories. The cost is
comparatively higherthan HF and HB.