Ytterbium Ytterbium Alloy Ytterbium Powdermetal Ytterbium Ytterbium Particle

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Product origin: Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
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US$ 2000



Ytterbium alloy

Ytterbium powder

Metal ytterbium

Ytterbium particle

Ytterbium is a metallic element with the chemical symbol Yb, atomic number 70, atomic weight 173.04, and its name is derived from the place where it was discovered. In 1878, Marignac isolated ytterbium oxide from erbium soil, and in 1907, Urban and Wells pointed out that Marignac isolated lutetium oxide and ytterbium oxide mixture. Ytterbium is found in the Earth's crust at a content of 0.000266%. It is found primarily in Ytterbium phosphoytterbium and black gold, and has seven natural isotopes.

The element symbol Yb. Atomic weight 173.04(3). Atomic number 70. The lanthanides. Silver-white metal. Ductility, soft quality. There are two crystal structures: α-type is face-centered cubic crystal system (room temperature -798ºC); The beta - type is a body - centered cubic (above 798ºC) lattice. Melting point 824ºC, boiling point 1427ºC, relative density 6.977(α- type), 6.54(β- type). Insoluble in cold water, soluble in acid, liquid ammonia. It's fairly stable in the air. Its oxidation states are +2 and +3.

The content in the crust is 2.66×10%. It mainly exists in yttrium and black gold, and the content of monazite is 0.03%. Method: Commonly used in industry solvent extraction and ion exchange method from monazite separation and purification, or reduction with lanthanum metal ytterbium oxide, and then through vacuum distillation. Purpose: Used as laser material, portable X-ray source, Yb ion is an important sensitizer of luminous materials, Yb can be used in medical diagnosis.

The earth isotopes of ytterbium in nature are 168Yb, 170Yb~175Yb.

When ytterbium

Name of element: Ytterbium of the periodic table

Atomic weight of element: 173.0

Element type: Metal

CAS No. : 7440-64-4 [2]

Bulk modulus of elasticity: GPa 30.5

Enthalpy of atomization: kJ/mol @25ºC 180

Heat capacity: J/ (mol·K) 26.74

Conductivity: 10^6/(cm·Ω)0.0351

Thermal conductivity: W/ (m·K) 38.5

Heat of melting: (kJ/mol)7.660

Heat of vaporization: (kilojoule/mole)128.90

Atomic volume: (cubic centimeter/mole)24.79

Amount of elements in the universe: (ppm)0.002

Element content in the Sun: (ppm)0.001

Element content in seawater: (ppm) Atlantic Surface 0.0000005

In the crust: (ppm) 3.3

Atomic number: 70

Element symbol: Yb

Element Chinese name: Ytterbium

Element English name: Ytterbium

Relative atomic mass: 173.0

Number of protons in nucleus: 70

Number of electrons in the nucleus: 70

Nuclear charge: 70

Proton mass: 1.1711E-25

Proton relative mass: 70.49

Owning period: 6

Number of family: IIIB

Molar mass: 173

Hydride: -

Oxides: YbO,Yb2O3

Highest value oxide:

Density: 6.98

Melting point: 824.0

Boiling point: 1466.0

Outer shell configuration: 4f14 6s2

Oxidation state:

Main Yb+2,Yb+3


Electron shell: K-L-M-N-O-P

Crystal structure: The cell is face-centered cubic cell, each cell contains 4 metal atoms.

Cell parameters: a = 548.47pm; b = 548.47pm; c = 548.47pm; α = 90°; β = 90°; Gamma is equal to 90 degrees

Vickers Hardness: 206MPa

The propagation rate of sound in it: (m/S) 1590

Ionization energy (kJ/mol) M-M + 603.4; M+ -M2 + 1176; M2+ - M3+ 2415

M3+ - M4+ 4220

Color and condition: Metal

Atomic radius: 2.4

Common valence +2,+3

Element symbol: Yb

English name: Ytterbium

Chinese name: Yb

Relative atomic mass: 173

Common valence: +2,+3

Electronegativity: 1.3

Peripheral electron configuration: 4f14 6s2

Electron configuration: 2,8,18,32,8,2

Isotope and radiation: Yb-168 Yb-169[32.03d] Yb-170 Yb-171 Yb-172 Yb-173 *Yb-174 Yb-175[4.19d] Yb-176

Electron affinity sum energy: 0KJ·mol-1

First ionization energy: 306KJ·mol-1

Second ionization energy: 1175KJ·mol-1

Third ionization energy: 0KJ·mol-1

Elemental density: 6.98g/cm3

Elemental melting point: 824.0ºC

Elemental boiling point: 1466.0ºC

Atomic radius: 2.4 angstroms

Ionic radius: 0.99(+3) angstroms

Covalent radius: 1.74 angstroms

Ytterbium application field editor broadcast

Ytterbium fiber laser marking machine

Ytterbium fiber laser marking machine

Irradiated 169Tm in a nuclear reaction produces 170Tm with a half-life of 129 days, and this isotope gram emits strong X-rays. It is used to make Yb2O3, often produced by reducing ytterbium oxide with calcium. It can also be prepared by distillation (see europium).

Used to make special alloys. Used in metallurgical and chemical experiments, ytterbium alloys have been used in dentistry.

In recent years, Ytterbium has emerged and developed rapidly in optical fiber communication and laser technology.

With the development of "information highway", computer network and long distance optical fiber transmission system require more and more high performance of optical fiber materials for optical communication. Ytterbium ion can be used as a fiber amplifying material for optical communication, just like erbium and thulium, because of its excellent spectral properties. Although the rare earth element erbium is still the main role in the preparation of fiber amplifiers, the traditional erbium-doped quartz fiber has a small gain bandwidth (30nm), which is difficult to meet the requirements of high speed and large capacity information transmission. However, Yb3+ ion has a much higher absorption cross section than Er3+ ion near 980nm. Through Yb3+ sensitization and the energy transfer of Er3+, the 1530nm light can be greatly enhanced, thus greatly improving the optical amplification efficiency.

In recent years, erbium-ytterbium co-doped phosphate glass has been favored by more and more researchers. Phosphate and fluorophosphate glasses have good chemical and thermal stability, wide infrared transmittance and large non-uniform broadening properties, and are ideal materials for broadband and high gain Erbium-doped amplification fiber glasses. If Yb3+ ions are introduced into the fiber, erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber can be made, which can greatly improve the amplification performance of the fiber. The high concentration erbium-ytterbium co-doped phosphate fiber (core diameter 7μm, numerical aperture 0.2) developed in China is suitable for full-wave amplifiers. The 980nm semiconductor laser achieves a 3.8dB net gain on small signals in a 1.5μm communication window, with a gain per unit length of 2.5dB/cm, two orders of magnitude higher than the commercial quartz amplifier.

Yb3+ -doped fiber amplifier can realize power amplification and small signal amplification, so it can be used in fiber sensor, free space laser communication and ultra-short pulse amplification.

China has built the world's largest single-channel capacity and fastest optical transmission system, and boasts the world's widest information highway. Ytterbium and other rare earth doped optical fiber amplification and laser materials play a key role in this process.

Ytterbium's spectral properties are also used as high quality laser materials, both as laser crystals, laser glasses, and fiber lasers.

Ytterbium-doped laser crystals as high power laser materials have formed a huge series, including ytterbium-doped ytterbium aluminum garnet (Yb: YAG), ytterbium gadolinium gallium garnet (Yb: GGG), ytterbium-doped calcium fluoride phosphate (Yb: S-FAP), ytterbium-doped Ytterbium vanadate (Yb: YV04), ytterbium-doped borate and silicate, etc.

Semiconductor laser (LD) is a new type of pump source for solid state laser. Yb: YAG has many characteristics suitable for high power LD pump, and has become a laser material for high power LD pump. Yb: S-FAP crystals may be used as laser materials to achieve laser fusion in the future. Among the tunable laser crystals, there is chrome-doped ytterymium: holmium: yttrium aluminum gallium garnet (Cr, Yb, Ho: YAGG), whose wavelength is continuously adjustable between 2.84 and 3.05μm. According to statistics, most of the missile infrared homing warheads used in the world are using 3-5μm infrared detectors, so the development of Cr, Yb, Ho: YSGG laser can provide effective interference to the middle infrared guided weapon confrontation, has important military significance.

China has made a series of internationally advanced innovative achievements in ytterbium-doped laser crystals (Yb:YAG, Yb:FAP, Yb:SFAP, etc.), which solved several key technologies such as crystal growth and rapid, pulse, continuous and adjustable laser output. The research results have been applied in national defense, industry, science and engineering. Ytterbium-doped crystal products have been exported to the United States, Japan and other countries and regions.

Another class of ytterbium laser materials is laser glass. A variety of laser glasses with high emission cross sections such as germanium tellurate, silicobium, borate and phosphate have been developed. Because glass is easy to form and can be made into large size, and has the characteristics of high light transmittance and high uniformity, it can be made into high power laser. In the past, the most familiar rare earth laser glass is neodymium glass. With a history of more than 40 years and mature production and application technology, it has been the preferred material for high-power laser devices, and has been used in nuclear fusion experimental devices and laser weapons. The high-power laser devices Shenguang 1 and Shenguang 2 built in China, which use neodymium glass as the main laser medium, have reached the world advanced level. However, laser neodymium glass has now met the strong challenge of laser ytterbium glass.

In recent years, a large number of studies have shown that many properties of laser ytterbium glass exceed those of neodymium glass. Because ytterbium-doped glass emits only two energy levels and has high energy storage efficiency, ytterbium-doped glass has 16 times higher energy storage efficiency than neodymium glass at the same gain, and its fluorescence life is also 3 times that of neodymium glass. Moreover, Ytterbium-doped glass has the advantages of high doping concentration, absorption bandwidth, and can be directly pumped by semiconductor, so it is very suitable for high-power laser. However, the utility of ytterbium laser glass often needs the help of neodymium. For example, Nd3+ is used as the sensitizer to make Ytterbium laser glass operate at room temperature and achieve laser emission at 106μm wavelength. Therefore, ytterbium and neodymium are both competitors and cooperative partners in laser glass.

The luminescence properties of ytterbium laser glass can be improved by adjusting the glass composition. With the development of high power laser as the main direction, lasers made from ytterbium laser glass are more and more widely used in modern industry, agriculture, medicine, scientific research and military.

Military application: The energy generated by nuclear fusion has always been an expected goal, and the realization of controlled nuclear fusion will be an important means to solve the energy problem. Ytterbium-doped laser glass (Ytterbium-doped laser glass) is becoming the preferred material for the upgrading of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) in the 21st century due to its excellent laser properties.

Laser weapon is the use of laser beam of huge energy, the target to strike destruction, can produce hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature, direct attack at the speed of light, can refer to that play that, with great lethality, especially suitable for modern war air defense weapon system. The excellent properties of ytterbium-doped laser glass have made it an important basic material for manufacturing high power and high performance laser weapons.

Fiber laser is a new technology developed rapidly nowadays, and also belongs to the field of laser glass application. Fiber laser is the laser using fiber as laser medium, is the combination of fiber and laser technology, is a new laser technology developed on the basis of doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) technology. Fiber laser is composed of semiconductor laser diode as pump source, fiber as waveguide and gain medium, and optical elements such as grating fiber and coupler. It does not need optical path mechanical adjustment, and the mechanism is compact and easy to integrate. Compared with the traditional solid-state laser and semiconductor laser, it has the advantages of high beam quality, good stability, strong resistance to environmental interference, no adjustment, no maintenance, small structure and other technical and performance advantages. As the doped ions are mainly Nd+3, Yb+3, Er+3, Tm+3, Ho+3, are rare earth fiber as the gain medium, so the optical fiber laser developed can also be called rare earth fiber laser.

Laser application: High power ytterbium-doped double clad fiber laser is a hot field in solid-state laser technology in recent years. It has the advantages of good beam quality, compact structure and high conversion efficiency, and has wide application prospects in industrial processing and other fields. The double clad ytterbium-doped fiber is suitable for the pump of semiconductor laser, has the characteristics of high coupling efficiency and high laser output power, and is the main development direction of Ytterbium-doped fiber. China's double clad ytterbium-doped fiber technology is equal to the advanced level of foreign countries. Ytterbium-doped fiber, double-clad ytterbium-doped fiber and erbium-ytterbium-co-doped fiber developed in China have reached the advanced level of similar foreign products in terms of performance and reliability, have cost advantages, and have a number of products and methods of the core patent technology.

Ytterbium-doped fiber laser system with excellent beam characteristics, a pump lifetime of more than 50,000 hours, a central emission wavelength of 1070nm to 1080nm, and an output power of up to 20KW has been applied to fine welding, cutting and rock drilling, the world famous German company IPG Laser has announced.

Laser material is the core and foundation of developing laser technology. In the laser field, there has always been a saying of "one generation of materials, one generation of devices". It is necessary to have excellent performance of laser materials and integrate other related technologies to develop advanced and practical laser devices. Ytterbium-doped laser crystals and laser glass, as the new force of solid laser materials, are promoting the innovation and development of fiber optic communication and laser technology, especially in the high power nuclear fusion laser, high energy PW (1015W) laser, high energy weapon laser and other advanced laser technology will make important contributions.

In addition, ytterbium has been used in phosphors activators, radio ceramics, computer memory components (bubble) additives, and optical glass additives, according to some articles. It should be pointed out that Ytterbium and Yttrium belong to the same rare earth element. Although the English name and element symbol are obviously different, the Chinese phonetic alphabet has the same syllables. Sometimes yttrium is mistaken for ytterbium in some Chinese translations, so we need to trace the original text and combine the element symbol to confirm.

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