(1) | The slide must be clean. |
(2) | The slide should be held flat. |
(3) | The smear should be even. Place a drop of the smear in the middle-right of the slide and spread it evenly using a dissecting knife or a toothpick. |
(4) | The smear should be thin. Use another slide to spread the smear in a uniform, thin layer by gently pushing it from right to left along the surface of the slide at a 30°-45° angle. |
(5) | Fixation. Use a chemical fixative or a drying method (for bacteria) for fixation if necessary. |
(6) | Staining. Use methylene blue for bacteria and Wright's stain for blood. The staining solution should cover the entire smear. |
(7) | Rinse. Dry the slide using absorbent paper or by heating. |
(8) | Mounting. For long-term storage, use Canadian balsam to mount the slide. |