Introduction The B-ID550 terminal is an industry weighing process controller,high accuracy,typical for weighing, batching, filling, 6-bit 0.56" red LED display and 5 status lights, 100,000 display division,6000e approved 200Hz A/D sample speed,200 Hz target compare speed 5-step filter,High Anti vibration, Standard with one serial ports(RS232/485) No-Testing Calibration(CalFree)is available
APPLICATIONS: Standard Weighing, Field Bus Communication, Batching, counting, Data communications, Filling, Dosing and dispensing, Formulation, Hazardous-Area Weighing, Statistical Process and Quality Control, Tank / Silo / Hopper / Vessel WeighingIn-Process Quality Control, Target Control Checking Weighing, Filling, Bagging Batching.
(1) Connectivity guaranteed Industrial Ethernet (PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, Modbus-TCP) and Fieldbus (PROFIBUS DP) interfaces. Analog output (mA, V/DC), digital inputs and outputs and serial interfaces (RS485, RS232) Daisy chain based on integrated network switchEasy and comfortable.
(2)5 buttons and big, illuminated screen for on-site start-up HBM weighing software PanelX Standard Ethernet TCP service interface Convenient handling: Quick and easy on-site set-up (e.g. calibration without further tools) or remote operation with weighing software
(3)Weighing technology excellence Functions for dynamic filling and dosing Highest industrial resolution up to 30,000d Highest Legal for Trade resolution of 10,000e (OIML certified) High-speed data rate up to 800 Hz Up to 120.000 legal for trade memory Engineered and made in Germany
5. Design
Opting for all Brans weight indicator, you get more than just a single high-class component. BRANS offers you a complete weighing solution adaptable to your needs: From sensors through to software and service. As a global technology and market leader, we can give you the service you need, when and where you need it. Just get in touch!