Retro-reflective sensors are photoelectric sensors. They consist of an emitter and receiver in a single housing. The light produced by the emitter is reflected back to the receiver with a reflector. Whenever this light beam is obstructed, the output signal of the sensor changes state. photoelectric retro-reflective sensors for the detection of transparent objects are characterized by their long sensing ranges of up to 6 m on the IRR-7M reflector and their small housing. Combined with an extensive range of accessories, they provide a simple way to integrate sensors into systems. The IRR-7M reduces the time required to install and align the sensor to just a few seconds, making this the ideal product for logistics applications. It provides quick and flexible sensor installation, ensures error-free operation, and keeps costs under control.
The IRR-7M reduces the time required to install and align the sensor to just a few seconds, making this the ideal product for logistics applications. It provides quick and flexible sensor installation, ensures error-free operation, and keeps costs under control.